'LINUX'에 해당되는 글 20건

  1. 2012.08.17 Starting httpd: /usr/sbin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: libiconv.so.2: 3
2012. 8. 17. 13:16

Starting httpd: /usr/sbin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: libiconv.so.2:

Starting httpd: /usr/sbin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: libiconv.so.2:

This is just an fyi, I've seen it on a few boxes after a php 5 upgrade. If you see this message, then just run "ldconfig" and start apache normally. The system just doesn't notice the new library, thus ldconfig tells the system to "go check again".

[root@server]# service httpd start
Starting httpd: /usr/sbin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: libiconv.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[root@server]# ldconfig
[root@server]# service httpd start
Starting httpd:  [  OK  ]

Linux: ldd 와 ldconfig

자신이 사용중인 머신에 새로운 library 를 설치하면 어떤 작업을 해줘야 할까요? 답은 ldconfig 입니다.

명령줄에서 ldconfig 를 실행하면 새로운 라이브러리가 설치되었음을 인식하고 dynamic linking table 을 업데이트하여 줍니다.

컴파일을 한 프로그램에 link 가 잘 되었는지 확인하려면 ldd 를 이용합니다.