Windows Media Player Reference
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player comes in many different versions.
Here are the class ID's of the different versions, with a list of parameters.
Why Has the class ID Changed?
The correct class ID for Windows Media Player 7 and later is: clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6.
Many places on the internet it states that the class ID should be: clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95. This class ID is the old one, but it will work, because of backward compability. However, if you use the old class ID you will not be able to use the new features added to the component.
Windows Media Player 10
clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6 (same as WMP7)
Windows Media Player 9
clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6 (same as WMP7)
Windows Media Player 7
Windows Media Player 6.4
Parameter | Default | Description |
AudioStream | true | |
AutoSize | true | |
AutoStart | true | Sets if the player should start automatically |
AnimationAtStart | true | Sets if an animation should show while the file loads |
AllowScan | true | |
AllowChangeDisplaySize | true | |
AutoRewind | false | |
Balance | false | |
BaseURL | ||
BufferingTime | 5 | |
CaptioningID | ||
ClickToPlay | true | Sets if the player should start when the user clicks in the play area |
CursorType | false | |
CurrentPosition | true | |
CurrentMarker | false | |
DefaultFrame | ||
DisplayBackColor | false | |
DisplayForeColor | 16777215 | |
DisplayMode | false | |
DisplaySize | false | |
Enabled | true | |
EnableContextMenu | true | |
EnablePositionControls | true | |
EnableFullScreenControls | false | |
EnableTracker | true | |
Filename | URL | The URL of the file to play |
InvokeURLs | true | |
Language | true | |
Mute | false | |
PlayCount | 1 | |
PreviewMode | false | |
Rate | 1 | |
SAMILang | ||
SAMIStyle | ||
SAMIFileName | ||
SelectionStart | true | |
SelectionEnd | true | |
SendOpenStateChangeEvents | true | |
SendWarningEvents | true | |
SendErrorEvents | true | |
SendKeyboardEvents | false | |
SendMouseClickEvents | false | |
SendMouseMoveEvents | false | |
SendPlayStateChangeEvents | true | |
ShowCaptioning | false | |
ShowControls | true | Sets if the player controls should show |
ShowAudioControls | true | Sets if the audio controls should show |
ShowDisplay | false | Sets if the display should show |
ShowGotoBar | false | Sets if the GotoBar should show |
ShowPositionControls | true | |
ShowStatusBar | false | |
ShowTracker | true | |
TransparantAtStart | false | |
VideoBorderWidth | false | |
VideoBorderColor | false | |
VideoBorder3D | false | |
Volume | -200 | |
WindowlessVideo | false |
Windows Media Player 6 (Older Version)
Parameter | Default | Description |
Appearance | false | |
AutoStart | false | |
AllowChangeDisplayMode | true | |
AllowHideDisplay | false | |
AllowHideControls | true | |
AutoRewind | true | |
Balance | false | |
CurrentPosition | false | |
DisplayBackColor | false | |
DisplayForeColor | 16777215 | |
DisplayMode | false | |
Enabled | true | |
EnableContextMenu | true | |
EnablePositionControls | true | |
EnableSelectionControls | false | |
EnableTracker | true | |
Filename | ||
FullScreenMode | false | |
MovieWindowSize | false | |
PlayCount | 1 | |
Rate | 1 | |
SelectionStart | true | |
SelectionEnd | true | |
ShowControls | true | |
ShowDisplay | true | |
ShowPositionControls | false | |
ShowTracker | true | |
Volume | -200 |